Beta request

Mar 23, 2006 16:39

Sometimes her dreams are purely sentimental, and she finds herself going on dates with him, becoming his confidante, easing his pain, making him whole by sheer virtue of her love.

Her subconscious makes everything seem so easy, sometimes she’s irritated when she wakes up and realises he didn’t gingerly go on his knee to tell her he’s always loved her.

Since everything is implied and there's only one coarse word, I'd say this rates comfortably in the lower PG zone.

The second story is called Ancestral Looks, and is almost equally as light-hearted. It's also a sort of crossover with (brace yourselves!) the movie Sense & Sensibility. This is a gen ensemble piece, featuring House, the Ducklings and Wilson. This, too, can't be more than a PG. Here's a paragraph:

It was the portrait of an English gentleman leaning on a mantelpiece, a small book half-open in his left hand, a horse whip conspicuously peeking from one of his boots, and a blood hound resting at his feet. Startled, Foreman leant forward with a gasp. Chase roused himself from his early morning stupor and had the decency to goggle. While decidedly younger, with darker (and more abundant) hair and perhaps not quite as long a face, the man in the portrait looked eerily like House. Same lean figure, same pale blue eyes, very similar features and an identical sarcastic scowl were regarding the three Fellows from the printed page and, in the case of the original, from three centuries before.

The caption read: “The Hon. Mr Edward Palmer, 1798, 60by24 oil on canvass, Author unknown”.

^ Well, ^ said Foreman.

^ Huh, ^ clarified Chase.

^ How cool is that? ^ Added Cameron, alternately stealing looks at her colleagues and the picture. ^ He might be an ancestor! I’ve found House’s genealogy! ^

Finally, the third fic is the one that's giving me the most problems. It's a three-chapter character piece regarding the Fellows and their perceptions of House. My premise is that their reading of him is skewed, and that what they think would be an improvement wouldn't actually change anything, and could in fact make matters worse. This can be a pretty good fic, but it really needs and extra pair of hands to come into its own (and, well, what fic doesn't need a beta?). I'm rating it as a PG, but stronger than the other two. Let's say PG13.
It's called If only..., and here's the excerpt (from Foreman's chapter):

Foreman reached his breaking point when House de-toxed on the job. As he told him in no uncertain words, he had thought he was coming to work for a brilliant, if eccentric, diagnostician, not an irresponsible pill-popper.

There was little he could do though, as long as House’s luck held and he somehow managed to go from success to success despite his condition. Foreman feared the day House would fall flat on his mistakes. Until then, no one could take the Vicodin away from a man who suffered from chronic pain and seemingly managed to function.

If only, mused Foreman, watching his boss munch on his medication like candy, if only House had never had the infarction to hide behind, if only he had never become addicted to Vicodin…

All of them are edited and ready to be proof-read.
In her Dreams is a measly page and a half, Ancestral Looks runs to less than five pages and If Only... is a grand total of six pages. Please have your pick!


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