To kick off the melding of
housefic_meta with
housefic_pens, we’re hosting the first The Clinic-style writing exercise here.
This exercise also focuses on a "first," as we’re writing from the prompt of “First Impressions.” The idea is to do a short piece on the first impression that any - or all - of House’s new fellowship candidates have upon meeting him.
For ease of reference, here’s a cheat sheet on who’s still around (and their specialties) and who recently left. This information is from the official Fox site, and is not regarded as spoilery.
Still hanging in there:
#6/9 - Lawrence Kutner, a specialist in rehabilitation and sports medicine. Turned his number upside down the first time he was fired.
#13 -- Her name has not yet been officially revealed. She’s a specialist in internal medicine.
#18 -- Jeffrey Cole, a specialist in genetics. He’s a single dad, a Mormon and African-American.
#24 - Amber Volakis, an interventional radiologist. Also known as Cut-throat Bitch. Any Jack Bauer comparisons between her and the other 24?
#39 - Chris Taub, a plastic surgeon who left a practice in cosmetic surgery for some reason not yet revealed.
Recent notable rejects:
#15a & #15b - Identical twins who specialized in pediatric endocrinology.
#26 - Henry Dobson, also referred to by House as “Scooter” and “Ridiculously Old Fraud.” Did not have a degree in medicine, but had an encyclopedic knowledge of medicine that allowed him to think eerily like House.
#32 - Jody Desai, a specialist in veterinary medicine. Fired after the death of a patient.
#37 - Travis Brennan, a specialist in epidemiology who worked with Doctors Without Borders. Allowed to resign after poisoning a patient.
Namasteyoga put it when we were brainstorming this exercise, one would imagine House had been the center of some pretty extensive gossip at multiple hospitals over the years. So, if you’d like to get into back story and original characters, this is a great time to try that as well in writing exactly what the candidates may have heard about House.
Since all first impressions work both ways, you may also look at the first impression the established characters of Chase, Cameron and Foreman have upon meeting the newbies. Think about what their very first impressions/feelings are going to be when they consider who’s replacing them. Are they jealous? Sympathetic? Amused? And if you’re so inclined, you may also have Wilson and Cuddy chime in with their own unique experiences in dealing with House.
There’s no deadline on exercises, so work on them at your own pace and post a link here when you’re finished so that everyone can comment and discuss.