Title: Perfect Strangers (Part 1/2)
bluegemeyesCharacters/Pairing: House/Chase
Prompt: 025. Strangers (for
Word Count: 1,657
Rating: PG-13-ish
Beta: The lovely
Spoilers/Author’s Notes: No spoilers./AU. House and Chase meet when their flights are cancelled, and they’re snowed in at O’Hare in Chicago. Not slash, just that kind of bond people get when their lives are altered, and they find someone else in the same situation. I got the idea at 3:30 in the morning, I’m amazed I followed through on it! ;-) Comments, concrit, feedback of ANY sort would be lovely, if you’ve any to spare! Oh, yeah…don’t own the characters, O’Hare, or anything else that’s easily recognizable. Other than that…enjoy!
Oh, P.S.-My dad reads The Economist. That’s why it’s in there, LOL.
Why, Mr. Chase, are you hitting on me?