Title: The Measure of a Man
Fandom: House, M.D
Characters/Pairing: Chase/Cuddy
Prompt: 023. Lovers
Word Count: 865
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Paedophile, said a little voice inside her head. Unsurprisingly, it sounded a lot like House.
Disclaimer: Chase, Cuddy, House and Mrs. Robinson do not belong to me. I am merely playing.
A/N: For the
housefic50 prompt 'Lovers'. Warnings for general silliness.
paedophile, said a little voice inside her head *
Title: Brand New Day
Fandom: House, M.D
Characters/Pairing: Cuddy
Prompt: 001. Beginnings
Word Count: 745 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Cuddy loves Mondays.
Disclaimer: Cuddy, House and Brenda do not belong to me.
Cuddy loves the beginning of the week - looks forward to it eagerly *
Title: Talk of This and That
Fandom: House, M.D
Characters/Pairing: Cuddy
Prompt: 001. Hospital
Word Count: 872 words
Rating: G
Summary: Another day, another hospital fundraiser.
Disclaimer: Cuddy, House and Wilson do not belong to me. Really.
Cuddy plays the perfect hostess as always: entertaining her guests and sweet-talking them into loosening their purse-strings; watching over the catering staff like a hawk; making sure her that normally well-behaved doctors don't get into fistfights after consuming too much alcohol.