Title: Eight Hanukkah Candles Lisa Cuddy Lit.
Words: 4700
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A holiday in eight scenes.
spoilers: up to MLC.
Notes: I know it's late, but technically, the last day of Hanukkah is today, and it's not nighttime yet in California, so consider this posted during the holiday. x-posted to
Eight candles)
bonus, entirely gratuitous, post-MLC IX:
"The deal's off the table?" she grinds between clenched teeth.
"I'm very sorry," Tritter replies, using that infuriatingly calm tone of voice which would have almost sounded sincere if it weren't for his smirk.
"I see. It's not enough for you that House is in pain, that he's completely humiliated, that in the end, he followed your terms and came to you."
Tritter appears to consider it for a moment. "Nope," he says finally. "Mer-ah, no, Happy Hanukkah for you, Dr. Cuddy."
She's almost out the door when she decides that screw it all, nobody's playing by the rules anyway and she's been wanting to do this for a long time. Two quick strides bring her back to Tritter and she delivers a swift, utterly satisfying kick to his groin.
Leaving him crumpled on the floor and probably wishing for Vicodin she marches outside and mutters, "Hanukkah was last week, you son of a bitch."
"entirely gratuitous" - I warned you... (yeah, should have mentioned OOC as well.)