Title: It’s back!
Author: ViolettBlack
Chapter: 1/1 Oneshot
Genre: Angst
Rating: M A -17 (Story might not be suitable for the squeamish!)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Word Count: 1013
Disclaimer: Sadly I don’t own any rights on the characters in this story. They all belong to David Shore, FOX, NBCU, Heel & Toe Films, Shore Z Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Ralf Koenig and so on!
I don’t earn any money with this story!
Summary/Info: This fanfiction takes place a few months after „The C-Word“. Only in my own head canon the chemo-therapy Wilson endured in House’s apartment was successful and Wilson is now cancer free and House didn’t have to fake his death to not to go back to jail again. House’s time on parole is over and he is a completely free man again.
Characters: Dr. Gregory House, Dr. James Wilson, an airport security guard, a very unlucky man, Commissioner Luigi Mackeroni, Detective Sally and a very special condom
Here’s a picture of Commissioner Luigi Mackeroni (in the background) and Detective Sally (in the front), just in case if you want to know how they look like!
http://www.v-like-vintage.net/uploads/images/Cropped700/00186272.jpg A/N: This story was written for the “Weekly Prompt Post - C is for...“ on the “hw_prompts”-Livejournal community.
http://hw-prompts.livejournal.com/1733.html and is inspirited by the movie “Kondom des Grauens (1996) - Killer Condom”
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116791/?ref_=sr_1 You can find the story at my journal: