fic + drabble

Sep 01, 2005 01:30

So. First time posting House fic. These are two very little things that I did to fulfill ficlet and drabble requests. I'm working on something a little more plot-y and I've got something else in beta, but this is what I've got for tonight.

Title: Untitled
Pairings: House/Stacy, Wilson/Julie, implied House/Wilson/Stacy (sort of. I mean, if you squint.)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Julie discovers she'll never be number one.
Notes: So, one of my major complaints about "Three Stories" is that we get hints to backstory of a friendship between Stacy and Wilson, and Wilson is constantly the one referencing what House was like before his leg, but we see none of Wilson in the flashbacks in "Three Stories". And I am sad. So... yes. I thought I'd spin it myself. Written for mcwonthelottery.

Link to my journal.

And, a drabble, which I'll link to as well:

Title: Also Untitled
Pairing: House/Stacy/Wilson
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: House faces the changes in his life.

Another link.

Right. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and remember that feedback is even better than pie. And pie is pretty cool.
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