Housefemslash Fic-a-thon Masterlist

Sep 30, 2009 15:43

Hello ladies,

The Masterlist for the
housefemslash fic-a-thon is finally here. Sorry that it has taken so long to get this up!

The masterlist is in the order that the fics were posted. If anyone has accidentally been left off then let me know in a comment or a message.

1. A Friend with Breasts and all the Rest by brokenunicorns. Cuddy/Thirteen, NC-17.

2. Winning and Losing by lauriestein. Stacy/Cuddy, NC-17.

3. Making An Effort by razor840. Amber/Cameron, M.

4. Five times Cuddy protected Cameron by
perfect_pride. Cuddy/Cameron, R.

5. Things Left Unsaid by
amazon_life. Cameron/Thirteen, PG-13.

6. Not Planned.Or was it? by
amazon_life. Cameron/Thirteen, NC-17.

7.  Stop Ruining Nadal Matches For Me by lauriestein. Cuddy/Amber, PG.

8. Power Struggle by
obsessed_psyco. Cuddy/Cameron, PG-13.

9. Reluctance by
perfect_pride. Cuddy/Thirteen, NC-17.

10. The Merits of Rummaging Through Cupboards by sicaria0. Cameron/Thirteen, NC-17.

11. Winner Takes All by
rain_sunsets. Thirteen/Amber, PG-13.

I'd like to thank all who took part and posted their fics. It seems that a lot more prompts were claimed than were actually posted, but for those who did write fic be it before or after the deadline, well done!

ficathon, masterlist

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