(no subject)

May 26, 2008 00:14

Author: kagariyuraashua
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Thirteen/Anyone you want
Spoilers:Wilson's Heart.
Summary: Moments like these define your life.

It was the cold hearted truth that was printed on a piece of eight by eleven paper that defined the rest of her days till she died. Huntington's was spelled out in red ink ironically the red represented the blood that she took out in order to take her self test. A montage of painful memories arose in the deep crevices of her mind that unknown to her so she did the only thing that made sense. She crumpled the pathetic piece of paper because she could before she threw it out and then she turned off the desk light so she could calm herself in peace.

What could have she done? Delay the inevitable for another couple of years? Well actually it depended entirely on how many CAG repeats she had but then that meant opening up another set of answers that lead to the ultimate question. How long left did she have to live for? Thirteen at the moment wasn't connected to anyone in the romantic sense and she was distance from her family members since the incident of her mother's death. No one she was related to truly got over that day of the rainy funeral. It was only after then she went into medical school and studied her ass off in internal medicine which lead her to eventually to her meeting her crush at the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.

She could never tell that person that she may like then considering the truth of what she just found out but in time her truth would be discovered right? She could be at risk for keeping too many secret then again she was known as Dr. Thirteen by her co-workers.

Tiredly she ran the palm of her left hand against her left eye afterwards she let if fall in front of her on the table. She opened and closed her hand even though she couldn't see it still the hand obeyed her command.

Life revolves around truth and faith...

Where did that just come from? It was the simple truth that she had this unfortunate setback in her genetics but the faith in what? Medicine would one day find a cure for this? Faith in what strength and time she had left? Faith that maybe someone in her life might return some love? She wouldn't let this go wasted she needed to do this if she was eventually died at least she didn't any regrets?

Finally she walked out of the lab while trying to come up with a course of action.

Oddly enough she missed out on the biggest truth.

She was Remy Hadley.

fic, author: kagariyuraashua, character: thirteen

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