Wow, I'm still at shock. I mean, I knew it was Kutner because he was the only whi wasn't in the promo pictures for "Saviors" (well, Chase wasn't but he couldn't die and Cuddy is supposed to have sex with House in the upcoming episodes, so... you do the math).
I liked the episode. It was sad, but it gave something different that the show was missing. Kutner was a nice character and he didn't deserve to die, but... you know writters, they own the thing. (I would've prefer Taub to die, but...)
The preview for "Saviors" looked interesting. Cameron is back and interested in House? OMG! What the hell is going on? What about Chase?
Please, feel free to comment and give your opinion. I'm still sad about Kutner, and shocked about House's reaction. What do you think?