These few days will be hectic, going from one place to another, buying presents (I still don't know why in Argentina we buy presents 2 days before Chrsitmas), helping with the food and all sort of xmas related stuff, so I decided to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance because I know I won't have time.
I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends and family. It is a time to realize how lucky we may be for being to spend it with those who we love. Try to start 2010 with positive thoughts and I hope that everything that you wish for this new year becomes true.
I'm going on holidays on January and I'll be back for the second new episode of House (I know! I'll miss 6x11, damn!) and ready to see Hugh and the House cast on the award shows :)
Have a great time guys! Love, Bell