Forward dated to the 24th because lol, plans Saturday/Open log-RL thing

Apr 22, 2010 23:22

[It's April 24th in the Republic of Ireland, and that means it's the ninety-fourth anniversary of her declaration of independence from England, and the date Brigid's chosen for her birthday. This of course means it's time for a party!

...A very stiff and formal party held in Dublin Castle, to be precise. Full of very stiff and formal heads of state and other such official things. It's quite dull and the country's representation (Or at least the Republic's) is settled near the open bar with a bottle of Harp in her hands, looking out at it all. She takes a long pull and sighs, muttering to herself:]

Nay, not what I'd wanted. A céili now, that would have been a fine thing.

[Girl could really do with seeing a friendly non-political face, don't you think?]

mun: stars, character: ireland, what: open log rl

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