
Jun 10, 2012 20:33

Still behind on the word count. At 49,000 words approx. Therefore a third of the way into June and I'm at minus one thousand words of the ten thousand words of novel I am "scheduled" to write this month. Instead of knuckling down, I have started work on a short story instead, I think we can kiss hitting 60,000 words the end of the month goodbye.

Doesn't feel like procrastinating. I think I need to complete something and write something else as the novel is bogging down a bit. Hopefully I will get this story written and then come back to the novel with a fresh perspective. Some of the trouble with the novel that parts of it have been in my head so long, it doesn't feel fresh even when I am typing the words for the very first time. While this idea for a story is all new and shiny and I want to hammer it out before it becomes a few paragraphs of scrawl in a notebook, along with the other half-arsed ideas and concepts that have never made it to fruition,


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