Star Trek (AOS) Kirk/Spock/Bones Mood Theme

Sep 14, 2017 19:53

Oh look at that, I come bearing goodies for the second time this year… and it’s only September! To be honest, I have no idea how much interest there is in a Star Trek (AOS) mood theme featuring Kirk, Spock and McCoy. I had been looking for a new Star Trek AOS moodtheme for a while, preferably focusing on my favourite trio, but thanks to Photobucket screwing up third party hosting so thoroughly a while ago, I couldn’t find anything but broken links.

Therefore I ultimately just decided to try making my own mood theme. Not that I actually believed I’d succeed in creating 132 icons for a complete set! However, it was such a fun little project that gained a life of its own at some point. After finishing the first 30 icons, I realized that I had unintentionally chosen pictures of Kirk, Spock and Bones exclusively, so at this point it turned into a personal challenge; could I actually create all 132 moods with just these three darlings? Yes, I did.

Well, I hope you like my choices. Admittedly sometimes I had to use a screencap out of its original context to make it work for a certain mood. So, just in case you’re wondering… apparently Kirk has a bit of a kinky side when it comes to flirtation and ecstasy! ;) On the other hand some moods probably require some knowledge of the original context to fully understand why they stand for that specific emotion.


→ Most of the screencaps used were found here.
→ Please credit either london_fan or house_of_london.
→ Don't hotlink!
→ Please don't alter any of these mood theme icons.
→ Don't post them elsewhere and/or claim them as your your own work.
→ If you like what you see, feel free to join and/or watch house_of_london.
→ Comments are love.

fandom: star trek, !mood themes, character: leonard mccoy, character: spock, character: jim kirk

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