So, Mark hasn't tweeted anything in several months (@markdanielewski, if you're curious) but today he tweeted a link! Which leads to this panel listing, for the LA Times Festival of Books:
Korn Convocation Hall
10:30 AM
* John Green & David Levithan in Conversation with Denise Hamilton
* PANEL CODE: 2071
o Interviewer: Ms. Denise Hamilton
o Mr. John Green
o Mr. David Levithan
12:00 PM
* Writing: Making the Small Story Big
* PANEL CODE: 2072
o Moderator: Mr. Geoff Nicholson
o Mr. Stephen Elliott
o Mr. David Grann
o Mr. Pico Iyer
o Ms. Melissa Milgrom
1:30 PM
* Father Gregory Boyle in Conversation with Warren Olney
* PANEL CODE: 2073
o Interviewer: Mr. Warren Olney
o Father Gregory Boyle
3:00 PM
* Fiction Outside the Margins
* PANEL CODE: 2074
o Moderator: Ms. Laura Miller
o Mr. Mark Danielewski!!!!
o Mr. Steve Erickson
o Ms. Nina Revoyr
Someone in Los Angeles, you better go. 25 April 2010 at UCLA.