Sep 27, 2030 12:35

Thanks for visiting. Yes, my journal is friend locked with just a couple of public stories. There is no anonymous posting on my LJ and everyone is friendly here. I write slash fics and I hold spontaneous writing contests and give away handmade crafts as gifts. If you've already been friended before, then nothing is changed to your status. :) This is just an updated message.

As of January 2012, I have moved all of my fics to Archive of Our Own.

Visit me on Tumblr where I am a little more active! The Serpent Girl.

If you would like to be friended, please leave me a comment letting me know the basics: you're not a minor, how you happened upon my little world, and anything else you'd like for me to know. I don't turn anyone away - with a few exceptions - and I always like to visit your LJ as a friendly hello.

Thanks again! Enjoy the fics that you find.

friends lock

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