Take this, life! *whack whack*

Sep 11, 2008 02:25

It's possible I will have time to do doll stuff again in this century. I have houseguests and two weddings to go to and a month from now will have been in four additional states. >_>; You will have to take my word for it I'm busy :P I suppose I should be glad the fall US Dolpa will be online only, it makes vendor questions NOT a question. Even if I am tempted to put together an event for the Chicago-area people. I am reading LJ, I'm sworn to keeping that up at least. Keeping up with doll news is apparently bad though, now I want a YoTenshi Hinata. D:

But for now. . .

I'd like to buy the world a CokePuki~

click for larger; see also: World of Coke photos, Dragon*Con photos

Also, I found out accidentally that Naoya and Malcolm both made it into the NY Dolpa After Report. *EDIT* Durr this is why you shouldn't have to wait to post things until after 2AM :( Is fixed now
Nao's wig isn't behaving . . . >_< (Argh I want another wig for him)

. . . but this is one of the better shots I've ever had of Malcolm and makes me hate his faceup slightly less lol

Update on my doll family . . . I sold Moxie (Orientdoll Dong) today, she is going out in the morning. She and Sprocket (Puki Piki) just didn't "play well" together, and between the two of them, the Fairyland body won out over OD, in spite of things I prefer about the stylistic aesthetic of OD. Poor Rook (Pixydoll Sevy) is up next, though I have not changed his sale thread off feeler yet. :( Another case of "love it but doesn't fit" brought on by my overwhelming predominance of Volks. >_<;

There is no update on the SD High Mode Competition. Drift is still in Japan, I have not heard anything, and the current Volks News doesn't mention it in the contents online. I really hope that they aren't going to wait for volume 31 (which would probably be Thanksgiving-ish). I decided some time last week, suddenly and for no specific reason, that I'm sure I have not won anything (beyond being a finalist) so it's more wanting Drift back. I really really miss that boy. :(

photos, sales, naoya, sprocket, malcolm

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