I sort of had plans for these photos, but it didn't really come out so . . . I don't know, I might retake it. I've been very creatively frustrated in general, and I want to do something different with my photos but I haven't made much any progress yet. I figured starting with Stellan might work since I'll admit to being, perhaps, more passionately in love with everything about him than my other dolls. ^^; Not that I don't love them, too, but Stellan clicked with me from the second he arrived and that's never wavered for an instant.
(Pretend you can't see the flash between his fingers, I need to fix it but I'm scared I'm going to screw up my beloved Sakaki hands)
More photos
If any of the creative people on here - which is pretty much everyone - have any advice about staying motivated in creative pursuits that don't have much payoff, let me know. x_X (Since I'm an animation and film school "dropout", I rarely draw or write much, and even my doll photography has fallen off . . . =_=) lol. I know there's no answer to that, though, you either give up or you don't . . .