I was really determined to finish with these photos tonight. I will be posting with a Dolpa report by tomorrow evening (another deadline for myself!), and I'll share Dolpa photos then.
click for all the photos. I roughly followed the storyline with my shoot but I'm not sure if it's clear; I'd appreciate opinions on whether I should add some abridged text (or just link an online version of the story?). I think it's probably only clear to me. x_X; Also, yes I know I fail AGAIN at lighting and doing sets. T_T One day (also on that day my camera may stop hating me even when I use full manual).
Also, Closet entries for the
Emperor and the
http://www.shineblitzon.com/broken/closet/nightingale/nightingale.html (I really want to get around to updating that section more! ;_;)