As promised, back photos. There turned out to be so many of them I can't represent them well in previews (for the sake of your connections), so I hope you'll be able to click on the images to see the other photos from those sets. I also lost this entire post the first time. ^^; So I hope I'm not wasting your time. I guess it's a good thing I haven't had time for dolly photos lately or this would be even longer.
Starting with new arrivals. Niamh, a YoSD Chinatsu.
Llyr, an SDCute Kurt. He's
a dragon. Both Llyr and Chinatsu are from the same storyline, along with Stellan. Hotaru is sort of a guest star as well, in that I didn't create his character for the story but it does fit with it. (Akio, Naoya, Sahara, Gideon, and Mal are from a different story; as are Jynx and Chance.)
The third new arrival is not staying with me; he has already been adopted by a good friend of mine who I'm sure will give him a good home. I was really sad that he didn't work out for the character that I wanted him for, since he's really important to me at the moment, but I may as well share these photos anyway; I don't have anything against Williams, he just wasn't who I thought he was.
Some other photos of Llyr, different wig; I think they show fairly well that Kurt has a funny face sculpt, but it really has charms.
Group shots of my Yos, unfortunately rather mediocre.
Dee plotting my ultimate downfall.
Naoya, probably also plotting my downfall.
Hawaii meet pics. I can't say enough how lovely this was, but I'm not feeling very eloquent currently, I'm afraid. I didn't get a real good group photo and I like this shot of the frog so there you go. :X
Hawaii trip photos.
Chicago mini-meet. Just six of us, but LOTS of lovely dolls!