Fic: Furthermore, Selfless and Generous with his Time [One-Shot]

Nov 02, 2010 11:37

Title: Furthermore, Selfless and Generous with his Time
Author: heddychaa
Characters: Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content
Genre: PWP
Wordcount: ~1381
Contains: Oral sex.
Disclaimer: Torchwood's characters, concepts, and events belong to their respective owners, including but not limited to Russell T Davies and the BBC. This is a work of fan-appreciation and no profit is being made.
Summary: Gwen gives Ianto his quarterly review. It's overwhelmingly positive.
A/N: Oh man, it's a Tuesday so that must mean it's time for some het! (Yeah, I dunno either). From an anonymous prompt on touchyerwood: "Ianto/Gwen, oral sex". So yeah! That! _lullabelle_ and azn_jack_fiend beta-d it. Thanks, ladies!

Ianto Jones is attentive to the needs of others.

fic: gwen/ianto, fanfic

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