fic: Investiture

May 31, 2010 21:55

Title: Investiture
Author: neifile7 
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Ianto, implied Jack/Ianto
Rating: R (not explicit)
This Package Contains: cross-dressing and arousal by dressing; self-love if you squint
Disclaimer: Ianto is not the son of a master tailor. But he did do a stint in Detention Centre. In other words, lies cut from whole cloth.
Summary: It’s hard enough, trying to fill Jack’s shoes.  Now Gwen’s stepping into his trousers. 
A/N: Takes place in the reset timeline between S1 and S2. Revised from an entry for the TW/DW Porn Battle VII; thanks to 51stcenturyfox   and cruentum  for hosting the sandbox once again. 
Cross-posted; apologies for duplication.

She’s not sure now why it had seemed such a good idea to drag them all to the local for a piss-up and telly...


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