In Tom and Door's bedroom

Dec 16, 2007 20:07

It's been rather tense in the House of Arch of late. Tom and Door are passionate people who also both happen to be stubborn and prideful. When they fight, they tend to simmer, explode, and then make up with much tenderness, so it's just a matter of time before this blows over.

Until that time, however, communication between the couple is terse and charged. They are still sleeping in the same bed, at least, even if they aren't speaking to each other overly much. Tom's not about to leave his comfortable room, especially when none of this latest round of "differences of opinion" is his fault. No, really, none of it.

Tom is propped up on pillows, reading before going to bed. It's rather cold so he's charmed the book to prop open without the need of hands, thus leaving Tom's arms comfortably under the blankets. Every few moments there is a little flash of white as he pokes his wand at the book, and turns the page with magic. The flash is muted, since his wand is under the covers, too.

No doubt this could be considered- annoying. If one were in the mood to find faults.

door, tom riddle

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