Epic Halloween Post!

Oct 31, 2009 22:26

Last time we left our hero she had completed her Starfleet Science Blues and was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to Vulcanize herself. And now the time has come. Armed with an epic new super short haircut, vulcan ears, a pair of black boots and the last minute addition of a tricorder-like clearance bag ($2.50!) from Target this:


Turned into this:

And of course the obligatory meld with my sister, Dr. Watson.

I escorted my sister out trick or treating and got a few compliments on my costume. I walked past a father who was like, "Oh hey, a Klingon!" and his wife was like, "No, she's a Vulcan!" I also Vulcan saluted a guy and he was like, "Oh man, I can't do that! That's awesome!" So good times all around. Apart from that my family and I just sat down to watch Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. It was pretty quiet, but still pretty fabulous just for my Star Trek costume.
Edit: For silly amateur paint shop crop/copy/paste.

Oh yeah! I'm a Vulcan!...on the Bridge!
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