The Threesome Story 1/5 (or so)
Pairing: House/Wilson/Chase
Rating: NC17
Warnings: All-boy threesome,, D/s, House being sweet.
Summary: This is sort of a response to all the "Chase is House and Wilson's bitch" stories out there, which so many of us Chase fans find sort of hot and sort of sad. In the universe of this story, the boys are a loving threesome with Chase as a very submissive sort of junior partner, House as a surprisingly nurturing top, and Wilson in the middle. This is an established-relationship story in which the boys attend House's parents' 50th wedding anniversary party. And have sex a lot. Wilson exposits in part four or so about how they all got together--if people like this, I'll go back and write about it in more detail.
Read it here: A/N: This isn't the sequel to the creatively-titled "House/Chase Smut Story," which is still in progress and should be done before too long. However, if you liked Chase in that story, you'll probably like him in this one too.
X-posted to House_Wilson and House_Chase, for obvious reasons.