KTTV May 10 09:00pm Add to My Calendar
Series/Mystery, 60 Mins.
"Love Hurts", Episode #120.
House and Cameron explore their relationship...
I thought she quit. >:(
Note to self: Finish starting that cataclysmically smutty House/Cuddy fic before this episode airs. >:)
Something below to take the bad taste of something above out the mouths of House/Cuddy 'shippers.
“And none of them looks like you do in a lab coat.” The expression on her face went through him like an electrical charge. She saw his reaction and grinned wickedly. “Why don’t you bring it home tonight, and maybe we’ll play doctor.” Then she straightened her shoulders and put on her efficient hospital administrator face. “Right now, I have to get back to work. Thank you for your time, Dr. House.” She turned and walked out. House slumped down into his chair and rubbed his hand over his face. Where was his Gameboy?
from Chapter 2 of "Detox Revised" by abbieg ::kim strenuously fangirls abbieg::