fic: Unprotected, 6

Jul 18, 2012 22:28

Title: Unprotected, 6
Pairing, Characters: House/Cuddy established. DDX team, OCs.
Warnings: Some angst
Summary: A (temporary) medical issue brings up the question, what would the sharkverse House and Cuddy relationship be, (temporarily) without sex?
Disclaimer: House MD and all characters and settings therefrom are not my property. This is a work of fanfiction and I am not profiting from it in any way.

Part 6:  Of old dogs, learning new tricks.

My apologies to readers for my absence. I won’t make excuses about it, but I will say that the cause was unavoidable, unexpected, and catastrophic. To all of you who expressed concerns, thank you. I am grateful for all of the good thoughts and encouragement. I am not quite back to one hundred percent yet, but I am getting myself sorted out.

This has a few more chapters, and they’re all already drafted. I should be able to finish posting them all by the weekend.

And since it has been so long since I began this story, here is the link to the


author: stenveny, fic: all, fic: multi-chapter

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