The response has been fantastic! A flood of fics, and I am busily putting together a massive list.
Here's the problem: 80% is House/Wilson.
I NEED OTHER PAIRINGS! House/Cuddy, 13/Anybody, Chase/Anybody, Foreman/Anybody, Taub/ In fact ANYBODY BUT H/W! OT3 fics are also encouraged! PLEASE CROSS-POST THIS TO OTHER COMMUNITYS, BECAUSE I ONLY BELONG TO H/C COMMS!
ETA: Fics without pairings, gen fics, are also more than welcome.
I know most of my f-list are House/Wilsoneers, but we need variety! If you've already rec'd yourself, please don't rec anymore, okay?
Start rec'ing yourself! Also, please not more than two fics. Otherwise I have to select them, which sort of defeats the whole purpose.
ALSO, for the artists and vidders, REC YOUR FAVORITE ART OR VID.