Jun 01, 2011 13:29
Ignoring bombshells/the rest of the fiasco that is season 7. How did you see House and Cuddy ending up?
Like say season 7 went according to what we thought it would last summer.
Poll your own endgame
I had a dream once. this was a few months before bombshells i think, that House and Cuddy got married. but it wasn't a very conventional wedding. House put the ring on a chain and she wore it as a necklace. I don't remember a lot of it, but i mixed it with the Chandler/Monica proposal from Friends. I remember candles everywhere, and House surprising Cuddy with the ring on a chain. He got it on her without her finding out somehow, haha. But I'm not sure if this is what I would have liked to have seen, them walking off into the sunset somehow, or if I would have been happy with just a positive outlook that was more on the ambiguous side, so that we could all imagine what happens next our own way, you know?
But I want to know how you guys would have had our season 7 finale, had everything gone ok.
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community: poll