Is it just me? (A Cuddy and some Lucas rant)

May 07, 2010 22:22

So judging from the clip that was released of the season finale, Cuddy and Lucas are engaged to be married.

I'mma let it set for a few seconds.

Now, I was never a Lucas hater. I liked him when he was just Houses little spy buddy, I liked him when he tried to get into Cuddy's pants, and I even liked him when he successfully made it into her pants and managed to stay there. But now he's just kind of... there. I see no point at all for him to even still exist, really. But that's not even what I wanted this post to be about so I dont' quite know why I just rambled about that.

This is more of a "why is Cuddy settling for less?" sort of thing. And I don't mean "why settle for Lucas when she could have House?" I really don't. It's just that ever since "9 to 5", I took away from that episode that her and Lucas' relationship isn't all that awesome.

I was never on that bandwagon of people who bitched and moaned about how the writers have turned Cuddy into some weeping, defenseless woman. Never. Until now... possibly. I'm not quite sure yet, but I'm starting to see it.

I just realized that Cuddy wanting to not be lonely and actually make it work with someone is no excuse for agreeing to marry the dude. NO EXCUSE. I don't care how much you want to make it work, an intelligent woman wouldn't let themselves fall into something like that and just settle for less. That's disrespecting yourself and your worth.

I think that's all I wanted to say. =X I realize I haven't even seen the finale yet and while yes, I've heard that Cuddy apparently has to make a decision at the end of the episode about whether or not she wants to continue with Lucas, but dear god, if she decides to go through with marrying him... I don't even know anymore. And it actually has nothing to do with Huddy. Just her character in general.

Also, I've had a bad day so I may be getting way more worked up about this than I should, so I apologize.

And I still love Cuddy. ♥

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