Title: In This Passing
Rating: T
Category: Romance, Fluff
Spoilers: General 1-5 warning. Vague reference to “Both Sides Now.”
A/N: I have about a million other stories going that need to be finished but I decided to do a one-shot. I guess this would be classified as AU or Future fic or…something.
To hide the key to your heart is to risk forgetting where you placed it )
Comments 7
And gah, this line: It’s a distant thought to them now, of him coming home when the leaves had begun to fall from the trees and the Earth began to cool. His ghosts fell back into the crevices of his mind and she did nothing but leap forward. It gave me shivers!
This is probably one of my favorite House/Cuddy fics out of all the ones I have read. ♥
Especially that last little bit, I can totally see it happening :)
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