Hybrid Rainbow- Chapter 23 **THE END** (for now anyway)

Apr 23, 2008 14:11

Title- Hybrid Rainbow
Author- AJ Wisdom (judasmalfoy)
Summary- Set in Season 3 right after House punches Chase in the face. Wilson pushes House to make things right with Chase and when House confronts the young man at his apartment he discovers a blue and white guitar and finds that his youngest duckling is more interesting than he let on. Based on music by the Pillows. 
Disclaimer- I own nothing
Rated- R (for now)

AN- Thank you to everyone who has read this and thought it was awesome. "Crazy Sunshine" should be up in a couple of days and I plan on making this a trilogy type thing so after "Crazy Sunshine" there will be "Moon is Mine" anyway please comment I love you all.

When House re entered the court room he saw Cuddy sitting on the stand testifying. “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he said as he made his way back to his seat of dishonor.

“I hope you don’t mind that we continued on without you,” the judge said irately.

“I said I was sorry, there’s no need to be sarcastic,” House said as he sat back down.

He felt someone poke the back of his head and he turned around to see Emily staring at him challengingly.

“Next time old man,” she whispered.

“Bring it,” he whispered back and she grinned and sat back in her seat satisfied. He turned his attention back on Cuddy.

“What is this?” the attorney asked Cuddy as he held up the black pharmacy log book that was the final nail in House’s coffin.

“That’s our prescription sign out log for December 24th,” Cuddy said as she looked at the book sadly.

“Does that appear to be Dr. House’s signature?” the attorney said feeling satisfied that he was about to win.

“Yes,” Cuddy said softly.

“And what has he signed for?” the man asked.

“A prescription for oxycodone in the name of patient Larry Zebaluski.”

“And did the pills reach that patient?”

“No,” Cuddy said and House thought she looked sick.

“Why?” the man asked.

“Because he was already dead,” Cuddy said, glancing over at House.

“And Dr. House knew this?”

House turned his head slightly as he heard Jake say “I thought he was supposed to be smart.”

“Yes,” Cuddy said.

House looked down to his lap as the man continued to ask Cuddy questions about the night he had stolen the man’s pills. He hated himself for that night, for scaring Robbie. He had tried to make it right, he could have made it right and ended the whole ordeal if he just hadn’t stolen the stupid prescription. Jake was right he was an idiot.

He looked up and saw Cuddy staring directly at him, there was sadness in her eyes and he knew that she knew that her testimony would send him to jail and he would lose his medical license. He had backed her into a corner and she had no choice but to tell the truth.

“Dr. Cuddy?” the man asked so as to break her silence.

“He never got the pills,” Cuddy said as she tore her eyes away from House and looked back at the man.

House’s eyes widened in shock and he could hear murmuring and shifting going on behind him.

“It’s his signature, the log is strictly controlled,” the attorney said, scrambling to figure out what was going on.

“Dr. House did pick up a prescription but it wasn’t for Oxycodone,” Cuddy said and House stared at her in amazement. She was saving him.

“You testified…” the attorney said but Cuddy cut him off. “I know but it wasn’t for Oxycodone. Dr. Wilson informed that Dr. House had already tried to steal the patient’s pills already…so I went to the pharmacy and I swapped bottles.”

House lookecd over at Tritter who looked as if someone was beating his puppy to death right in front of him.

“Dr. House only got a bottle with placebo’s,” Cuddy finished.

“I know that you may be doing this to protect a valued colleague…”

Once again Cuddy cut the man off as she picked up her purse and brought a piece of paper from her bag. “I have it here on the inventory report.”

“Your honor she’s lying. She obviously forged the report,” Tritter stood and exclaimed.

“In light of this new evidence…” House’s lawyer said.

“If this is real why didn’t she bring it forward before?” the attorney asked.

“Everyone shut up and sit down,” the judge said with an exasperated sigh. House could hear the small clicking noises once more and he figured that Merryn and the others were giving Chase a status report.

“Dr. Cuddy why are you just bringing this evidence forward?” the judge asked.

Cuddy sighed and looked at House once more. “I never expected it to go this far.”

The Judge looked at House and then at Tritter before saying “The witness is excused.”

“Your honor you can’t seriously believe this?” the attorney asked.

“Dr. House please stand,” the judge said sternly, ignoring the attorney.

House looked over his shoulder as he stood and saw Wilson’s shocked expression and the smiles on Merryn, Jake, Matt, Emily, and Nina’s faces.

“My suspicion is your boss…” the judge said before amending her statement as she looked behind House at the people who had come to support him.

“My suspicion is that you have better friends than you deserve, rules and laws apply to everyone and you are not as special as you believe you are. Detective Tritter decided to make you so however. Detective I don’t know what is going on here but I am positive that this man is not flooding the streets with cocaine. Knowing Dr. House though he probably did something to set you off, but you’re going to have to get over it. Given Dr. Cuddy’s testimony I am not allowing this case to go to jury. Case dismissed. Court is adjourned.”

“YES!” he heard Emily say loudly behind him and he turned and grinned at them all, ignoring Cuddy and Wilson’s sour expressions.

“Dr. House,” the judge said and he turned to look at her. “You’re still guilty of contempt for that walk out stunt from earlier, you’ll be spending the night in jail, bailiff take Dr. House into custody.”

House sighed and turned to look at his friends and he shrugged as the bailiff took him gently by the arm and proceeded to lead him out of the court room.

“Dr. House,” he heard Tritter call. He stopped and looked over at the man who motioned for him to come closer. The bailiff allowed him to stop and walk over to the white haired man.

“So should we be looking for you in the shadows, flinch every time a car backfires?” House asked.

Tritter smiled sadly “Good luck.”

House looked at the man in confusion as Tritter continued “I hope I’m wrong about you, and take care of that kid, don’t make him regret loving you.” House only nodded his head before Tritter turned and walked away.


Chase sat impatiently at the table in the Diagnostics Lounge. They were waiting for word on whether or not House actually would be going to jail and the waiting with nothing to do was driving him crazy.

Last he had heard from Merryn and Nina was that Cuddy was on the stand and she had something really important regarding House.

He fidgeted slightly, rolling his cell phone over in his hands and biting the inside of his cheek. He could feel Cameron and Foreman’s gazes on him but he didn’t give a damn what they thought so long as he got word on what was happening with his lover.

He jumped when his cell phone began to ring the Hellraiser theme music and he flipped it open quickly.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Your boyfriend is the luckiest idiot on the face of the planet,” he heard Merryn say and he breathed a sigh of relief and stood from the table.

“Are you fucking serious?” Chase asked, ignoring the shocked looks on the others faces, it wasn’t like him to use such harsh language at work.

“He got off cause Cuddy lied about the whole pharmacy log book thingy that you doctor people use,” Merryn said.

Chase quickly walked into House’s office, shutting and locking the door before Cameron could follow him. “Cuddy perjured herself?”

“Yup, so the next time you see her you should probably bow down and declare her supreme goddess of the hospital,” Merryn said and he could hear the smirk in her voice.

“Oh God,” Chase groaned and Merryn laughed “Hey, you said that if he got off you do it for Nina and trust me the camera will be on.”

“God I don’t even care at this point I’m so fucking happy,” Chase said. “So we should celebrate tonight at my place.”

“Can’t,” Merryn said.

“Why not?”

“Cause Greg is spending the night in jail for contempt,” Merryn said and Chase sighed “Dammit Greg.”

“I know, but don’t worry he gets out tomorrow and then we can have a party and after we leave you can fuck him through the mattress, that sound like a good plan?”

“That sounds like a fantastic plan,” Chase said happily.

“Oh hey, is it cool if I invite James?” Merryn asked.

“Yea sure, Greg’ll probably invite him anyway,” Chase said grinning, he knew that Merryn and Wilson had probably hit it off for her to sound so excited about wanting to invite the older man.

“Alright we’ll I have to go and spread the good news so I’ll see you tomorrow and thanks for keeping me updated I appreciate it.”

“No big deal, I’ll see you tomorrow Robbie,” Merryn said before hanging up.

Chase flipped his phone closed and sighed in relief and he looked through the glass wall at Foreman and Cameron who were staring at him curiously.


Chase sat on the hood of his car smoking a cigarette as he waited outside the police station for House.

“I hear you’re having a party tonight.” Chase looked over at Wilson and nodded his head. “Yea, did Merryn ask you if you wanted to come?”

Wilson shoved his hands in his pockets “Yea, I’ll be there.”


It was quiet between the two before Wilson said “So Merryn seems really nice.”

Chase couldn’t help but start to laugh and Wilson looked at him in confusion but before the older man had a chance to say anything they heard the doors to the police station and House made his way to freedom.

Wilson watched as Chase slid off the hood and ran over to House and throw his arms around the older man before kissing him on the cheek joyfully. Wilson smiled slightly as House hugged Chase back. He really had been an idiot for assuming that Chase was going to hurt his friend when he had never seen the two together.

“Missed you Chief,” Chase said as he hugged House close to him.

“Yea missed you too,” House said nonchalantly but Wilson could tell that House meant it.

“Did you bring me drugs?” House asked as they walked over towards Wilson.

“Yes I brought you drugs you stupid junkie,” Chase said but Wilson could hear the affection behind the insult.

“I love you,” House said with a smirk and Chase just rolled his eyes and kissed House on the cheek once more.

“Well come on lets get the hell out of here, it’s time to party,” Chase said as he grabbed House’s hand and led him to the passenger’s side of the car.

“Take me by my apartment so I can change, I smell like convict,” House said and Chase rolled his eyes before looking over at Wilson. “Go ahead and head over to my place Merryn and Emily are already there so they can let you in,” Chase said.

“Alright, I’ll see you two later,” Wilson said as he began to walk back to his car.

“Well you two are getting friendly, should I be worried?” House asked as he got into the car.

“Of course not you goof,” Chase said as he turned the key in the ignition and Christine roared to life.


House pushed Chase down onto his bed before climbing on top of the younger man and captured his lips in a possessive kiss.

“Missed you so fucking much,” Chase moaned.

“Don’t you mean you miss fucking me so much?” House asked and Chase laughed as he flipped them over. “Well that too,” Chase whispered as he ran his hands up House’s chest.

“We don’t have much time before Emily and Matt come looking for us,” Chase said as he began to unbutton and unzip House’s pants and slipped his hand down the waist band of the older man’s boxers.

House moaned as Chase wrapped his hand around his half erect cock and began to pump his lover’s member. “Oh fuck, so good,” House moaned as he lifted his hips slightly, urging Chase to stroke him faster.

Chase leaned forward and caught House’s lips in another kiss as he picked up his pace and House began to writhe and moan beneath him. “I love you,” Chase whispered, his lips brushing gently against House’s before the younger man squeezed his dick causing House to buck slightly off the bed.

“What? Robbie don’t stop,” House said as Chase let go and pulled his hand of House’s boxers. The blond just grinned as he gently tugged down House’s pants and licked the tip of House’s erection before engulfing the man’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” House said as he reached down and threaded his fingers through the soft blond hair that he loved so much. Chase licked and sucked sensuously at House’s length as he reached into his own pants and began to stroke himself. The very sight of Chase sucking his dick and his hand down his own pants was too much and it didn’t take long for House to declare that he was going to come.

House threw his head back as moaned loudly, calling out Chase’s name as Chase swallowed House’s essence greedily. House lay back on the bed panting and he watched as Chase slowly got off the bed and took off his pants and boxers, giving House a good view of his lover. He whistled a wolf call and Chase just looked at him and rolled his eyes before making his way to the bathroom.

The blond was back before House had a chance to whine about him leaving and House watched as Chase stripped off his T-shirt and crawled onto the bed completely naked. Chase had retrieved a washcloth from the bathroom and House was practically purring as the young man began to clean him.

“Can I borrow a pair of pants?” Chase asked and House grinned as he said “No.”

“Why not?” Chase asked.

“Cause then I don’t get to see that fine ass of yours if you put pants on,” House said as he grinned at the young man.

“Well if you get to see it then everyone does because we’re still going over to my apartment to celebrate,” Chase said as he set the wash cloth aside.

House narrowed his eyes and the thought of someone else seeing his lover naked and he said “Fine you can have some pants.”

Chase laughed as he leaned forward and licked House’s cheek. “Oh what the hell, you’re so gross,” House groaned as he wiped Chase’s saliva off his face.

“Come on let’s get going,” Chase said as he began to raid House’s untidy closet.

House stood from the bed and made his way to the hallway closet and grabbed what he needed.

“Greg?” he heard Chase call as he began to make his way back into the room. “I got you something,” House said as he held out the gift he had gotten for Chase.

Chase walked over and gingerly took the package out of House’s hands and gasped. “You got me guitar strings for Jason,” Chase said in shock.

“Yea well, you can’t write me more songs if you don’t have a working guitar now can you?” House asked as he shifted uncomfortably.

Chase smiled and nodded his head before looking down at the strings once more. “Come on, we really gotta get going,” the younger man said.


“Took you two long enough, where have you been?” Jake asked as they entered Chase’s apartment.

“House had to change and grab his guitar,” Chase said as he motioned at the guitar case in House was carrying.

“Yea I’m sure that wasn’t the only thing they were doing,” Emily said as she grabbed Nina and pretended to hump her while making over exaggerated moans and gasps. “Oh Greg fuck me harder, fuck me,” she said as Jake pulled her off.

“I don’t think Jake approves of you raping his girlfriend,” Merryn said.

“It’s not rape, its surprise sex remember,” Emily said with a grin.

“I would like to forget that night, it caused mental scarring for me ok, no only did I fall off of Matt’s moving car that night I had you, Robbie and Nina all pile on top off me in the middle of the road and try to rape me ok,” Merryn said.

“We did it cause we love you Merryn,” Chase said with a laugh.

“I’m going to pretend I heard none of that,” Wilson said, looking like a deer caught in head lights surrounded by all of Chase and House’s friends.

“You guys are scaring James stop it,” Merryn said as she moved to sit next to the man on the couch. Chase poked House and motioned for the older man to look over at them and House grinned as he saw Wilson blushing as Merryn talked to him.

“So what do you say, we lock them in a closet somewhere?” House asked.

“No don’t worry about it, Merryn’s got a handle on it, she’ll have him eating out of the palm of her hand in no time,” Chase said.


Hours had passed and they were all pleasantly tipsy as they made their way out onto Chase’s back porch. Chase had managed to replace the broken strings on Jason and as they sat on the porch he began to play a soft tune, House joining in as well, both playing whatever came to them.

“Merryn what are you doing?” Chase asked through the open door as he watched Merryn taping a napkin to a straw.

“I made a flag,” she said as she held it up proudly and he could see a heart peace sign and Merryn’s name.

“Why did you make a flag?” Chase asked.

“So I could claim things,” Merryn said with a grin.

“What are you gonna claim, you aren’t the British Empire ya know, you can’t just go around and claim things with the clever use of flags,” House said with a laugh.

“Just watch me,” Merryn said as she came out onto the porch and sat down in Wilson’s lap as she deposited her self made flag into his shirt pocket. “I claim James Wilson in the name of Merryn,” she said and Wilson blushed beat red.

“You can’t claim him he’s mine,” House said with a frown.

“I don’t see a Greg flag on him anywhere,” Merryn said triumphantly and House stuck out his tongue at her.

“Ok ok whatever,” Chase said before House and Merryn could get into an argument over who Wilson belonged to at the moment.

“Play something Robbie,” Nina said as she picked up Roe and placed the still injured cat on her lap.

“Ok and it would be friggin sweet if no one hits me,” Chase said as he glanced over at House before he started to play “Every Rose has it’s Thorn.”

“Oh fuck that Robbie,” House said as he made to grab for the younger man’s guitar.


“Oh God can I please go back to jail?” House asked as he covered his ears and everyone laughed.


“Ok guys I’ll see you all later,” Chase said as he began to usher his friends out the door.

“Bye Robbie, by Greg,” Merryn said as she went over and hugged the two.

“I’m glad you’re not going to jail,” Emily said to House and he grinned “Yea me too, I’m not too sure on what it would take for me to get Vicodin on the inside.”

“Ok guys time to go, you’re taxi’s are waiting,” Chase said.

“I think Robbie wants us to hurry up so he and Greg can start going at it like rabbits,” Matt said with a laugh.

“Well when you put it that, then yes, get lost all of you,” Chase with a smile.

“Ok bye guys, come on James,” Merryn said as she grabbed Wilson’s hand and gently dragged him to the door.

“Bye,” Chase said one more time as they all filed out and he shut and locked the door behind them.

“So shall we make like rabbits then?” House asked as he leered at the blond.

“I think that’s what we’ve been working towards all night don’t you think?” Chase asked.

“Oh and you’re getting a spanking for that Poison song,” House said.

Chase grinned and started to make his way to the bedroom. “Promises, promises,” he said wistfully before he disappeared around the corner. “Weird kid” House said before he popped a Vicodin and followed after him.

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