Hybrid Rainbow- Chapter 21

Apr 12, 2008 04:52

Title- Hybrid Rainbow
Author- AJ Wisdom (judasmalfoy)
Summary- Set in Season 3 right after House punches Chase in the face. Wilson pushes House to make things right with Chase and when House confronts the young man at his apartment he discovers a blue and white guitar and finds that his youngest duckling is more interesting than he let on. Based on music by the Pillows. 
Disclaimer- I own nothing
Rated- R (for now)
Chapter-21/22 or 23

Chase wanted to slam the door shut in the man’s face. He was too tired to deal with any accusations or pitiful apology attempts from a man who didn’t even know him at all.

He stared at Wilson and saw that the man was almost squirming he was so uncomfortable. Chase sighed figuring that he would try and be nice for House’s sake. Moving out of the doorway he silently invited Wilson into the apartment.

“Is this the dickhead cop, should I got get the shovel?” Merryn asked as she looked at Wilson.

“No this is Greg’s friend James Wilson,” Chase said as he went back over to the table and picked up his cigarette.

“You smoke,” Wilson said dumbly.

“Obviously,” Chase said and Wilson ducked his head, the young man reminding him of House with his sarcastic reply.

It was silent between the three before Merryn couldn’t take it anymore “Hi, I’m Merryn it’s nice to meet you,” she said and smiled at the man who was clearly out of his element. He was thankful to have a friendly observer in the room otherwise the man was sure that Chase would have started yelling at him by now or would have just slammed the door in his face.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Wilson said, smiling back causing Merryn to blush.

“What do you want?” Chase asked before taking a pull from his cigarette.

“I know that my treatment of you and House has been…” Wilson trailed off with a sigh.

“It was wrong to judge you before I really knew you, I’m sorry Chase,” Wilson said.

Chase was silent, his eyes boring into Wilson’s own as if the young man was looking right into his soul.

“Why did you do it?” Chase asked, his voice soft but terse.

“I didn’t know what else to do, I was trying to help, I didn’t want him to get hurt or go to jail,” Wilson said trying to explain what had caused him to turn on the man he thought of as a brother.

Chase couldn’t help he started to laugh. Merryn bit her lip as she heard the desperation and sadness in her friend’s laughter. Wilson shifted uncomfortably as Chase’s laughter subsided and the blond looked away from him and took another pull off his cigarette before pressing the end of the cigarette into the ashtray.

“He’s going to go to jail,” Chase said softly.

“You don’t know that Robbie,” Merryn said quickly, she had never seen Chase this depressed before. All of his hope had left him.

Chase laughed once more and it was an ugly laugh this time. “Yes, yes I do, it’s his fault too,” he said as he pointed to Wilson and the other man tried to defend himself but Chase continued. “It’s my fault too, and it’s Greg’s fault,” Chase said and Merryn and Wilson could see he was starting to get hysterical. “This whole thing is just one big cluster fuck and it isn’t fucking fair!” Chase yelled as he grabbed the plastic ashtray and threw it against the wall; ashes and cigarette butts fell to the carpeted floor but Chase didn’t care.

It was quiet once more and Wilson didn’t know what to say. He knew Chase was right and all his hope had left him when he heard that House had checked himself into rehab. Wilson watched as Merryn stood from the table and hugged Chase tightly to her. He sighed and let his head fall onto her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry Chase,” Wilson whispered.

“Apology accepted,” Chase mumbled and Wilson wasn’t sure if the young man meant it or not.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Wilson said before taking his leave, feeling worse than he had when he had come.

Chase moved out of Merryn’s grasp and went over to where he had thrown the ashtray into the wall. He sighed and bent down to pick up the butts and place them back in the tray as Merryn went to the hall closet and brought out the vacuum.

They quickly cleaned the mess he had made and made their way back to the kitchen table. Chase lighting another cigarette and tossing his lighter onto the table.

“So that was Wilson huh?” Merryn asked and Chase nodded his head as he blew smoke rings.

It was quiet again for a moment before Merryn said “He’s kinda cute.”

Chase looked over at her and saw that she was serious. He pressed his lips together and she thought that he might yell at her. But he let out a chuckle and gave her a small smile and she was glad that she had prevented Chase’s total melt down for at least another hour.

“It’s gonna be ok,” Merryn said.

“I doubt it.”

“Yea well Nina said it would be fine and she rules the universe, everything she says comes true,” Merryn said. “You remember that time she said something about you catching on fire and then like three days later you caught your hair on fire when you were trying to light your cigarette?”

Chase smiled and nodded his head “Yea well her powers are gonna be up against a lot tomorrow and if everything goes well I promise to bow at her feet and pronounce her supreme goddess of everything.”

“I’m totally holding you to that and it will be video taped mind you,” Merryn said.

“I’ll be the most pathetically happy person on Youtube,” Chase replied.


House stared up at the ceiling in his tiny room in the rehab center. He knew he should be getting some sleep so he could be bright eyed and bushy tailed for his court appearance. He was pretty sure however that the judge wouldn’t cut him some slack just for the fact that he looked well rested.

It wasn’t like he would be doing anything anyway. He had been told expressly by his lawyer and by Cuddy that he was not allowed under any circumstances to take the stand in his defense. In hindsight this was probably a good decision. He wouldn’t garner sympathy from the judge if he opened his mouth so his best defense would be to keep his mouth shut.

‘Yea like that’s possible,’ House thought.

He would screw this up and he would go to jail, and Robbie would forget about the one month they had shared together. That was it.  He closed his eyes and began to hum the tune to the song that Chase had written for him to try and quell his negative thoughts. He could see Chase playing in his minds eye, blond hair falling into his face, a smile on his lips and his green eyes dancing. The combination of comforting sound and image of Chase lulled the older man into a light sleep.


Merryn had left two hours after Wilson had come to apologize; she gave him one last hug and one more promise to bust House out of jail if he did go to prison. Chase had smiled sadly and thanked her before she was out the door.

He plopped down on the couch and looked over at Roe was sleeping soundly on the crowded coffee table. Looking over at the clock he saw that it was 11:23 pm and normally he would be on his way to bed. He was to anxious and frustrated to go to sleep however so he grabbed the remote and turned on the television, idly flipping through the channels.

Hours passed and he finally decided on a channel but he wasn’t paying attention to the flickering screen in front of him. He glanced over at the clock once more and it read 2:32 am. Sighing he got up off the couch and picked up his keys and his wallet and made his way out the door. He needed a 7 11 visit, pronto.


House felt someone gently shaking his shoulder and he lifted a hand to try and bat the offender away.

“Greggo wake up,” he heard someone say. His sleepy brain couldn’t process the voice he had heard and give it a face so he opened his eyes to see who was disturbing him.

He shot up and almost cracked his head against Chase’s. “Woa Chief calm down,” Chase said as he brought his hand to House’s face.

“What the hell?” House asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “How did you get in here?”

“I snuck in all ninja like, killed a few guards ya know,” Chase said as he moved to sit Indian style on the small bed.

House quirked an eyebrow and Chase shrugged “I paid Voldemort like fifty bucks to let me in and to let us alone for a few hours.”

“Ah, good ol’ Voldi,” House said as he moved to lean against the headboard of the bed.

“Yea I’m totally Draco Malfoy so he likes me,” Chase said and House couldn’t help but laugh.

“What’s in the bag?” House asked as he spotted a grocery bag sitting next to the bed.

“I brought goodies,” Chase said as he grabbed the bag and brought it up to sit on the bed.

“Like drug goodies?” House asked.

“Sorry all my drug dealers weren’t out and about, I suspect it might have been past their bedtime,” Chase said as he brought out two slurpies, two bags of candy, cigarettes, an ashtray, and a bag of pretzels.

“How nice, a picnic,” House said as he grabbed one slurpie and a bag of twizzlers.

“Yea I figured we never got that one date ya know and I’ve already put out so you owe me,” Chase said.

“I believe I was the one who put out,” House said before taking a twizzler and biting the end off.

“True,” Chase said “Very true.”

Chase set his slurpie down on the side table and moved to sit next to House on the small bed. House sighed as the young man let his head fall on his shoulder, he missed being able to touch Chase when he wanted.

“Wilson came to my apartment a few hours ago,” Chase said softly.

House was quiet as he waited to see what the outcome of this meeting had been. “He apologized for being a retard and I forgave him.”

House let out the breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding before nodding his head, thankful that the two had been able to talk to each other without Chase stabbing Wilson in the eye with a spoon.

“Merryn thinks he’s cute,” Chase said and House looked down at the blond who was smirking.

“Are you serious?” House asked.

“Why would I joke about that?,” Chase asked and House just shrugged

“Yes I am fo shiz,” Chase said.

“You are so weird,” House said fondly as he ran his fingers through Chase’s soft blond hair.

“Thank you,” Chase said with a smirk. “So what do you think, should we try and get them together?”

House shrugged “Not sure if I’m going to be around to try.”

Chase reached up and grabbed House’s face, forcing the older man to look at him. “You are going to be around, even if we have to bust you out of jail and go live in Canada eh?”

House chuckled “Alright ok, and as for Merryn and Jimmy I guess it could work. I mean Merryn isn’t a damsel in distress in the slightest which is more Wilson’s type but as you might have noticed that hasn’t been really working out for him.”

“I had noticed,” Chase said. “He fixes them and then they try and fix him but he’s a guy so he’s not so easy to fix and they get frustrated and he cheats and then divorce.”

“Observant,” House said impressed.

“It’s my ninja skills,” Chase said with a firm nod.

“I bet.”

It was quiet once more and Chase sighed happily, enjoying the feeling of being in House’s arms. He wished they could be at either his or House’s apartment making love but that wasn’t an option and he didn’t think House wanted to have sex in this horrid place no matter how horny he was, because it would feel too much like saying goodbye.

He felt House shift slightly and he wondered if the older man’s leg was bothering him but he looked over to see House had grabbed his slurpie once more and was drinking it rather fast.

“You’re gonna get a…” Chase trailed off as House let the straw slip out of his mouth and he scrunched up his face. “Ow fuck!” he said.

“Brain freeze,” Chase finished softly.

“Stupid drink,” House said as he set it back on the side table and clutched his ailing head.

“You shouldn’t have drunk it that fast,” Chase said with a chuckle.

“Ow ow ow ow ow ow,” House chanted softly as he rubbed his forehead.

Chase leaned up and kissed House softly on his forehead. “You know kissing it better doesn’t really work right, cause if they taught you that it did in medical school I’m just going to have to fire you now,” House said.

“Shut up,” Chase said as he wrapped his arms around House and kissed his forehead again.

“Gimme a cigarette would you?” House asked as his brain freeze began to subside.

“Yes your highness,” Chase said as he grabbed the pack, lighter, and ashtray from the end of the bed.

“What happened to the cigarettes I left you?” Chase asked.

“Smoked them all,” House said as he took the cigarette offered to him and the lighter.

“See you’ve been smoking as much as I have then,” Chase said.

“Not a comforting notion there,” House said as he handed the lighter back to Chase.

“Yea well,” Chase said as he lit his own cigarette before relaxing back into House’s arms.

It was quiet and Chase watched as the smoke from their cigarettes seemed to dance in front of them, trying their best to entertain the two on the bed.

“Thank you for my puzzle box,” Chase said and felt House kiss the back of his neck softly. “You didn’t have to get it for me.”

“I wanted to, and I wasn’t going to get you one of those stupid ones that don’t work,” House said.

Chase smiled softly before whispering “I love you.”

“Love you too,” he heard House say into his ear.


House looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He looked like an idiot.

“You look good,” he heard Chase say behind him.

“Lying doesn’t become you,” House said over his shoulder.

“Where’d you get the tie?” Chase asked.

“Wilson got it for me to try and impress the judge,” House said.

“I hope it works,” Chase said.

“Yea…me too.”

“I should go check up on Derek before heading to the court house,” Chase said but he made no move to leave the small room.

“You said Merryn and the others were coming right?” House asked.

“Yea they’re all going to be there for moral support,” Chase said.

“Cool, it’ll be like I have my own fan club,” House said as he turned to face Chase with his usual grin on his face.

Chase made to say something but a sharp knock on the door signaled that it was time for Chase to get the hell out.

“I should go,” Chase said sadly.

“Yea, wouldn’t want him to Avada Kedavra you,” House said as he limped across the room to capture Chase’s lips in a passionate kiss.

Chase moaned softly and brought his hands up to tangle in House’s hair to try and bring the two closer.

Another sharp rap on the door brought them apart and Chase stared up into House’s blue eyes. “Go,” House whispered and Chase sighed before moving out of House’s grasp and reluctantly leaving the room, looking over his shoulder one more time to see House standing in the middle of the room looking as if he just had his heart ripped out.


“The memories were false, we still haven’t figured out what’s wrong with Derek,” Cameron said as she came into the lounge.

“What?” Chase asked.

“Whatever it is that’s made the false memories is still killing him,” Cameron said.

“But what about House?” Chase asked and Cameron glared at him.

“We have a person suffering and all you care about is House?” Cameron asked angrily.

Chase wanted to scream at her, he wanted to tell her that yes he did care more about House than the man under their care because he loved House. He stayed silent however and Cameron shook her head.

“We need to stay and figure this out; House can take care of himself,” Cameron said as she exited the lounge.

Chase closed his eyes and sighed as he took out his cell phone and went through his phone numbers before finding the right number.

“Hey Jake, can I talk to Nina?” Chase asked tiredly.

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