Sept. 29 -- Arrival

Sep 29, 2005 23:21

Because I'm revising this from its original version, it's now just going to be a rundown of the characters and what happened between them and Toboe. The rest of the entries will be more like the ones above.

Alphonse: Tells Toboe about the camp and his kitten.

Chizuru: Just a general getting to know you session. She also implies that Toboe looks like a girl.

Soushi: He just talks to Toboe about the hazards of the molesting trees.

Anne: Another quick getting to know you session.

Ash & Pikachu: Toboe is a little uneasy of Ash at first because of what people are saying about him and because of Pikachu's shocking abilities, but he gradually begins to like Pikachu more and more and Ash in turn.

Itachi: Toboe just cutes up Itachi like crazy because Itachi reminds him of Tsume.

Ari: Ari agrees with Toboe's fear of cats.

Shigure: Toboe has an uneasy moment with the now idled-out Shigure.

Cal: Toboe finds him really pretty and mistakes him for a girl at first. Cal ups the confusion by telling Toboe he's a hermaphrodite.

Tatsuki: She is a little wary of Toboe's resemblance, in personality, to Ash and tells him the importance of wearing camp and avoiding the tentacle monster from the lake.

Yuusuke: Their conversation is cut short as Toboe mistakes Yuusuke's warning about being careful with his laptop.

Goku: Goku flusters Toboe with his smelling dog on him, but later they bond over liking puppies.

Luna: Luna tells Toboe a bit about her world and why owls aren't so bad.

Raistlin: Makes a fire for the camp but unnerves Toboe with his sensing of the wolf.

Miroku: Quick meet and greet where Miroku praises Buddha as man's best friend.
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