Note: I originally wrote this under my other journal, but since I'm moving all my fannish stuff over here, it makes sense to mirror it here as well. Too many RL people know about the other journal anyway.
Posted here 1/10/14 and backdated to the original publish date.
I posted this over on
deancastiel about, um, a month ago, and I completely forgot to mirror it here. Oops?
Title: Untitled Drabble #1
Rating: R (for language)
Genre: Crack/Humour
Word Count: 100
Summary: Castiel has always had a good sense of timing, just not always on purpose.
Author's Notes: I totally blame
evening_bat for this. Leads me on, she does.
"Cas," Dean called out, "Ride with us. No sense using up your angel mojo on a short trip."
Castiel nodded, seated himself in the back of the Impala, and sat there with his hands resting on his lap. He gazed dispassionately around the interior of the car.
"Something fascinating back there, Cas?" Dean asked dryly.
"I have not been back here as a passenger before," Castiel explained, all polite innocence and - as Sam had just taken a sip of his coffee - perfect comedic timing.
"Dammit, Sam! You are fucking cleaning that shit up!"
That line about being back there as a passenger? Not going to lie, that came out of my mouth once. Oops.