Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2016: Day 12

Jan 12, 2016 20:18

Day 12

What makes you fannish? And by that we mean, what is it about a tv show/movie/book/band/podcast/etc that takes you from, "Yeah, I like that," to "I need MOAR!!!" Is it a character? A plotline? The pretty? Subtext that’s just screaming to be acknowledged?

In your own space, tell us what it is that gets you to cross that line into fandom. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

When it comes to things I want to pursue in a fannish way, good characterization and an engaging plot are definitely driving factors. (Including pretty doesn't hurt, no not at all.) Despite that, it's kind of hard to pin down exactly what attracts me. There are some things that feel like they should and just don't. Being attracted to a tv show/movie/book/band/podcast/etc. is like being attracted to a person: you either are or you aren't and while you have guidelines for what attracts you, there's more too it than that.

fandom, fandom snowflake challenge 2016

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