If you've played the Dragon Age games you know this is true
Oct 22, 2015 00:05
I found this here, not sure where it originated. But it's so true.
so like. dragon age though.
origins: your party is a bunch of misfits, right, but they’re well-meaning. we’ve got some people who are really trying to do good by themselves and work together to defeat the blight. desperate times bringing together fighters to save ferelden.
inquisition: the cream of the crop. these guys are the fuckin top of the food chain, elite warriors, spies, an actual fuckin[Spoiler (click to open)]god. they are battle-tested and hardened. even the cinnamon buns will set you on fire.
da 2: who the FUCK even kNOWS fenris get out of the liquor cabinet haHAhHA everything’s fine aveline anders FUCKING PUT DOWN THE BOMB I SWEAR TO THE MAKER isabela nO fUCK