Oct 24, 2006 22:24
er, 5 MINUTES! yeah right
So the computer ban hasn't been too successful. I've stayed away for a grand total of 3 days (last week), but that was because out of the 3 days, I reached home at 11, 11 and 1 am and was obviously too bloody tired to even try to go on my computer. D: And yesterday, I forced myself out of the house to the library to read about Lenin & Co, only to be annoyed by cute waiters. :/
I really must start caring about the As! ): I keep telling myself to try, but I'm still living such a lackadaisical life! OHMYGOD. I NEED INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION to start knocking on my doors really, and it isn't terribly helpful when I'm so incredibly excited about university, about where to stay and all that sort of nonsense YET I AM NOT MAKING ANY CONCERTED EFFORT TO MAKE SURE I SCORE FECKING 4As and DD passes.
But, for happier news!
a) I've discovered that there are actually co-ed washrooms in university OH WOE BETIDE ME. I've settled on a few places to apply for (residences) and I am PSYCHED UP, to say the least. BUT I WANT MY OWN TOILET, DAMN IT >_> Sharing toilets with just about 21321897 other people isn't my idea of hygiene ... okay, how was that a piece of good news?
b) I've finally gotten to watch Death Note, and one letter: L :D (just discovered he's not reprising Shin in NANA 2, but the new Shin is very much more well cast indeed!)
c) I am currently suffering from insomnia - the past two nights I've been sleeping at 5AM despite being in bed at 12. D: I'm actually psychotically, rather interested in going out to purchase sleeping pills (cough).
d) My posts ironically sound too happy for someone who should be going through MEGAUBERSTRESSWHEE. But on the flip side, I can get away sounding like chipmunks on helium 24/7 because it's DAH As, and it gives me absolute authority to pig out and waste money pigging out. AWESOME.
e) So You Think You Can Dance Season 2 is AWESOME! I just watched the Top Ten couples round yesterday and BOY they make me wish I could dance. ):
... as a side note, because I'm slightly upset about it still: goodbye, Schumacher. ): It was fun obsessing over F1 for the past 6 years because of you. SO WHO DO I IDOLIZE NOW? SIGH.