Mar 02, 2011 17:37
Today, I am feeling better physically and mentally. It was still very difficult to get out of bed this morning, and I still had some nausea, but I think I'm on an upward swing. The shitty thing is that I found out I'm really not much closer to getting the mental health care I need. In December, I got on a waiting list to see a counselor at Ohio State. At that point, I was #68 on the list. Now I am all the way up to... #43. At this rate, I won't get to see anyone until May.
It's ridiculous, and I don't really have any options. I've called around, but there seems to be only one local agency that refers people like me to all the rest of the clinics. The clinics themselves won't talk to me unless I get a referral from them. Then, once I finally get to see a shrink, it could be another several weeks until I can see someone who can actually prescribe me the medicine I've been on for the past 6 years. Frankly, I think it's a load of bullshit, and it makes me sick. I could launch into a rant about health care in this country and how poor people and people with mental illness are constantly shafted, but I don't really feel like it. I'm living it. That's enough.
The bottom line is, I may have to leave Columbus to move back in with my mother. It might be easier for me to get back in to see a counselor through the agency I used before. I still may be waiting several weeks, but at least they know me there and have my records from before. Obviously, this is a last resort, but I'm at my wits' end. I am so frustrated. You would think that since I am here in the capital city of Ohio, it would be easier to access care, but apparently, all it means is that there are a lot more people waiting, and I'm just another number. At least I still have food stamps.