The kittens are getting... BIG.
Wednesday, I am interviewing Barb Clark from Abandoned Animal Rescue, the lady who has generously helped me raise these two little demons. The interview will become my profile project for my news writing class, and the profile, in turn, will contribute to an article I'm writing for the Lakelander. I want to give Barb and her organization some good publicity in return for her help.
They're just about nine weeks old. Soon, it will be time to get them tested and immunized. Then, it will be time to say goodbye. I've tried very hard not to get attached, not to name them, but they've become math kitties. The one with the white "vest" is Fractal, because to me, it looks like she has the Mandelbrot Set on her face. The one with orange on her face is Tanjent, with a J, named after my first-ever D&D character. They will likely be re-named by Rob's parents when they return to their home.