Sarah Palin has tendered her resignation as governor of Alaska. While untold acres of virgin forest breathe a collective (if tentative) sigh of relief, many of Sarah's supporters are already toting "Palin 2012" placards. (The link is to Sarah's Facebook profile, which I find highly amusing.) There's little doubt that Palin is crazy enough to attempt a campaign, even after using up at least half a dozen of her political nine lives through scandal, campaign mismanagement, and a tragic lack of eloquence. Before we write her off, though, let's remember that we, the People of the United States of America, made it possible for George W. Bush to serve two full terms. It's important to keep in mind that even an ignorant plebeian is capable of gaining the undying, unthinking support of his or her fellows- and those plebes make up a sizable chunk of the voting public. So I say to you, thoughtful voters, maintain your vigilance! Go forth and vote in your state and local elections! Keep informed! In case you haven't noticed, Obama is not a messiah. He's not going to make every backwards decision since the Regan Administration magically disappear. So do not lay down your arms, lest you end up like
this guy. My name is none of your concern, and I approve of this message.