The mandatory resources and links post is here! If you find that I've used any of your resources, please inform me because I'm as absent-minded as it is; and forget all the time if I've downloaded any textures or brushes from your site/LJ.
Pictures/Screen Caps/Graphics
Alias Media //
Spy Caps //
Missing Frame //
Two Evil Monks //
The Safe House //
Mia Maestro Online //
Prison Break Online //
Lost Media //
Celebrity Scans //
cap_it //
Veronica Mars Caps Brushes/Textures/Gradients/Inspiration
1greeneye //
Of The Sky //
Broken //
vbrush //
Muse Driven //
Misprinted Type //
Spy Glass //
the damnapple //
Creative //
Hybrid Genesis //
oxoniensis //
teh_indy //
colorfilter //