Fanfiction: LazyTown - Meltdown, Part 1

Aug 02, 2013 17:40

Title: Meltdown
Author: Serena-chan ( hourglass244)
Fandom: LazyTown
Pairing(s): Sportacus/Stephanie (SportaSteph)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Small ones for 1.03 "Sports Day" & 2.16 "Birthday Surprise"
Summary: When Sportacus has a sugar meltdown, he always reaches for Stephanie first. 
A/N: In this story I imagine Stephanie to be 18 years old. I'm not specifically stating her age in the story however, because I know everyone has different opinions of how old they'd like her to be when she and Sportacus get together.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit.

It was a beautiful day in LazyTown, and Stephanie, Trixie, and Ziggy were spending it in the garden.  The carrots they'd planted were finally ready to be picked, and they were filling their baskets with the orange vegetables when Sportacus came along.

"Hey, what are you all up to?" he asked cheerfully.

"Just a bit of gardening," Trixie said.  "The carrots are ready."

"Would you like one, Sportacus?" Ziggy offered.

"Sure," the hero grinned.  "I never say no to sports candy."

Unfortunately, while they were talking no one noticed a pair of hands wearing dark purple gardening gloves reach out from behind one of planters and exchange Ziggy's basket of carrots for another.  Ziggy offered up the new basket to the hero, and Sportacus took out a carrot.  As soon as he took a bite, he collapsed.

"Sportacus!" Ziggy cried.  "Stephanie, Trixie, get over here!"

"What happened?" asked Stephanie.

"I don't know!  He just fell down!"

"Was he eating this, by any chance?" Trixie asked, pointing to the carrot on the ground that was now oozing out a sugary syrup.  "I'll bet it's Robbie again."

"But I don't understand."  Ziggy looked close to tears.  "I held out my basket, and he took one at random.  How did Robbie know which one he was going to eat?"

Stephanie went over to inspect Ziggy's basket.  The carrots looked real enough.  She took one out and hesitantly took a bite.  A disgustingly sweet syrup instantly filled her mouth.

"I'll bet these are all candy," she said, grabbing her water bottle and trying to wash the nasty taste from her mouth.

"I'm running home to get some real sports candy," Trixie decided.  "I don't trust anything in this garden anymore."

"Not if Robbie's been messing with it," Stephanie agreed, sitting down on the grass next to Sportacus.  "Just hurry, alright?"

Stephanie and Ziggy watched Trixie race off to get what they needed to help their friend.

"Stephanie?" Ziggy asked thoughtfully.  "How does Sportacus always know where you are?"

Stephanie looked up from where she was kneeling beside the prone hero.  "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he doesn't seem very aware of anything right now, but he always seems to be able to find you."

"What are you talking about?" Stephanie asked again.  Sometimes Ziggy wasn't very clear when explaining things.

"Well, when he first fell down, and you were over there with Trixie, he reached out toward you.  Then, after she left, you came over and sat on his other side, and he reached for you again.  How did he know that you moved?"

"Ziggy, I think you're just imagining things," Stephanie said patiently.

"No, really!" Ziggy insisted.  "If you don't believe me, then move to his other side.  You'll see."

Sighing, Stephanie got to her feet and carefully maneuvered herself to Sportacus's other side.  There was a brief moment where the hero's hands grasped at nothing before they turned and reached toward Stephanie once more.  The pink-haired girl raised her eyebrows in surprise.  The man's eyes hadn't even opened, so how did he know where she was?

"See what I mean?" said Ziggy confidently.  "He must find you comforting, the way I find my lollipop comforting when I'm feeling sick."

Stephanie made a face at the thought of eating candy when sick, before turning her attention back to her fallen friend.  "Sportacus?  Can you hear me?"

"Stephanie?" he mumbled blearily.

"That's right," she said, taking his hand.  "I'm here."

At her words Sportacus seemed to relax, almost as if he knew everything was going to be okay.  Feeling bold, Stephanie lifted his head off the ground and placed it in her lap.  She let her fingers wander to the nape of his neck, playing with the hair sticking out from his hat.  She remembered the way her mother used to run her fingers soothingly through her hair when she was sick.  Hesitantly, she pushed his hat off and began stroking and petting his head, marveling at the thick brown curls he always had tucked away.

A soft, contented sigh fell from Sportacus's lips, and everything else seemed to fade away.  She forgot that Ziggy was hovering nearby or that Trixie was supposed to be returning shortly with some sports candy.  Her heart pounded in her chest, and a pleased flush colored her cheeks as the hero nuzzled his cheek against one of her legs.

"Well, isn't this cozy?" Trixie said loudly, causing them all to jump.  She was leaning against a nearby tree, holding an apple and surveying the scene before her.  "You sure you want to give him the apple now, Pinkie, or do you want to wait a bit?"

Stephanie blushed scarlet while Ziggy just looked confused.

"Of course she wants to give it to him now!  Why would she want to wait?"

"Never mind, Ziggy," said Trixie, rolling her eyes.  "I was just teasing anyway."

She tossed the apple to Stephanie who caught it with her free hand.  Holding the apple to Sportacus's lips, Stephanie let out a relieved sigh as he took a bite, and his eyes shot open.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Robbie happened.  Again," Stephanie told him.

She realized she was still stroking her hand through his hair and hastily stopped.  When she did, Sportacus jumped to his feet, a faint blush dusting his own cheeks.

"It's been awhile since Robbie's used his candied sports candy trick," Trixie said, holding up the half-eaten carrot.  "This is the first time it's been a vegetable, though.  Before it was always apples."

"Sportacus, what are you going to do if Robbie can disguise sweets as any kind of sports candy?" Ziggy asked anxiously.  "How will you know which ones are safe to eat?"

Sportacus frowned.  "I guess I'll just have to make sure to only eat the sports candy from my airship.  I know those are safe."

"You could eat the fruits and vegetables down here if you cut them open first to check that they're okay," Stephanie suggested.

"I think I'm going to have to have a talk with Robbie," Sportacus sighed.  "This sort of trick is dangerous.  If I ingested too much sugar, it could be even worse than a meltdown."

"What could be worse than a sugar meltdown?" Ziggy wondered.

"A sugar coma.  I'd be completely knocked out.  I wouldn't even be responsive enough to eat the sports candy to heal myself.  Guys, if that should ever happen, I want you to call an ambulance, okay?  They'll have to find a way to give me an injection of the nutrients I need from the sports candy to wake me up again."

"What if we just poured some apple juice down your throat?" Trixie asked.

Sportacus cocked his head to one side and thought a moment.  "I'm not sure if that would work or not.  Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."

"It won't," Stephanie insisted.  "You just make sure to check out all your food before you eat it, and we'll all help by trying to keep an eye on Robbie."

"Yeah!" Ziggy agreed.

"You know," Trixie said thoughtfully.  "We could always have Pixel set up some kind of motion detector outside the entrance to Robbie's place.  It would let us know if he's out and causing trouble."

"I'm not sure I like the idea of monitoring him like that," the hero frowned.  "Everyone should be able to move around LazyTown freely without being spied on."

"Everyone should be able to eat healthy food without it turning out to be candy, too," Stephanie said dryly.

Trixie clapped Stephanie on the shoulder.  "Pinkie has a point."

"Well...  Look, let me try talking to Robbie first, alright?  If he doesn't agree to stop, then we can talk to Pixel."


Down in his home, Robbie thoughtfully watched the whole exchange through his periscope.

"A sugar coma, hmm?"

trixie, stephanie, ziggy, heterosexual pairing(s), sportacus, wip, lazytown, pairing: sportacus/stephanie, robbie rotten, rating: pg-13

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