Fanfiction: LazyTown - True Love's Kiss, Part 3

Jun 18, 2013 03:06

Title: True Love's Kiss
Author: Serena-chan ( hourglass244)
Fandom: LazyTown
Pairing(s): Sportacus/Stephanie (SportaSteph)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: All it takes is true love's kiss.
A/N: I don't have any excuse for this...
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Previous Parts: Part OnePart Two

Sportacus was in his airship doing push-ups when a mail tube suddenly shot up from the floor.  He quickly jumped up and grabbed it before it could hit the ground.

"Let's see," he said, pulling the letter from the mail tube.  "The mayor needs to see me.  I wonder what's going on?"

He steered his airship so it was hovering over the mailbox near the mayor's house and jumped down to where the mayor was waiting for him along with two strangers he'd never seen before.  The first was a tall man with blond hair and familiar brown eyes.  Next to him was a woman with long pink hair pulled back in a braid down her back and sharp green eyes.  Seeing the woman, Sportacus could guess who these two newcomers were.  Stephanie was almost a carbon copy of the woman, except for her eye color and skin-tone.

"Hello, Mayor.  What seems to be the trouble?"

"Oh, there's no trouble," Milford explained.  "I just wanted to introduce you to someone."

Sportacus smiled.  "You must be Stephanie's parents."

"Is it that obvious?" the woman asked, smiling and shaking his hand.

"Well, your daughter does greatly resemble you."

"My name's Maria, and this is my husband, Harald."

"Nice to meet you," Harald said, shaking the hero's hand as well.

"They're here for Stephanie's sixteenth birthday," the mayor supplied.

"Well, we're all certainly looking forward to her party tonight.  I know her friend Trixie has been working very hard on the decorations," Sportacus said.  "Where is Stephanie, anyway?  She's usually up and about this time of day."

"About that..." Maria began hesitantly.

"Stephanie's not feeling well," Harald cut in.  "In fact, if she's not feeling better by this afternoon, we may have to move the party to tomorrow."

"That's terrible," Sportacus said, his heart sinking at the thought of Stephanie sick in bed.  "I'll have to stop by and visit her."

"Before you do that, there's something that we need to discuss,"  Milford said.  "It's a private matter, so why don't we all go back to my house?  You see - "

He was interrupted by Sportacus's crystal flashing and chiming.

"I'm sorry.  I have to go," Sportacus said.  "I'll meet you back at your house, Mayor."

"Before you go," Maria said quickly.  "What's that aftershave you're wearing?"

The hero blinked in surprise.  "I never wear any," he said before flipping away, completely missing the 'I-told-you-so' smirk Maria leveled at her husband.


Sportacus made his way to the mayor's house, thankful that this recent bout of trouble was nothing more serious than Ziggy getting himself hopelessly tangled in the balloons he was blowing up for Stephanie's party.  Speaking of Stephanie... Sportacus was worried.  He couldn't seem to put his finger on it, but he felt like there was something wrong.  True, his crystal wasn't flashing, but whatever the mayor and Stephanie's parents wanted to talk about sounded serious.  Plus, with her sick in bed on her birthday, he'd have to come up with something really special to cheer her up.

Entering the house, he found the mayor, Maria, and Harald waiting for him in the living room.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" he asked.

"This could take awhile so why don't you take a seat," Maria suggested.  "Would you like something to drink?  Tea?  Coffee?"

"Ice water would be nice," Sportacus said, sitting down.  Privately, he wished they'd just come to the point.  That special connection he'd always seemed to have with Stephanie felt odd somehow, and he was getting even more worried.

"Sportacus, Milford tells me that you're from Latibær?" Maria asked.

"Yes, I am," he confirmed.  "It's a beautiful country, populated mostly by elves, but there are quite a few humans there as well now - refugees from a place called Galdramaður Island."

Maria and Harald shared a look that the hero couldn't interpret.

"Then you know about Galdramaður, and its history?" Harald pressed.

"I know some," Sportacus confirmed.  "It used to be one of two places in the world where magic was still practiced openly - the other being Latibær - and because of that, it had closed off all communication with the outside world.  Any international business was done through Latibær so there used to be a lot of political news about their dealings in the newspapers when I was a boy."

"And the upheaval that lead to most of the country being evacuated," Maria prompted.  "What do you know about that?"

"Not much," the hero confessed.  "That was about twenty years ago, and I was training at the hero's academy at the time.  From what I understand, a group of magic users seized power by tapping into black magic, something that was previously banned there.  Most of the people have fled the country, and Latibær has closed all dealings with Galdramaður, and its new leaders.  One refugee I spoke to said the takeover was brutal - mass beatings and executions - families were separated trying to get away.  He wasn't even sure if the previous rulers were able to escape."

"They did," Milford interrupted softly.  He moved to stand behind the sofa where Stephanie's parents were sitting, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.  "Sportacus, let me introduce you to King Haraldur and Queen Maria of Galdramaður Island."

Part Four

completed fics, rating: g, stephanie, heterosexual pairing(s), sportacus, milford meanswell, lazytown, pairing: sportacus/stephanie

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