
Jan 16, 2020 07:58

Name: Universalperson
Personal LJ: universalperson
Contact Info:AIM: Unvrslprsn
Character Name: Kaguya Houraisan
Character Series: Touhou Project
Character Age: At least 1300 years old
Background: Touhou wikia
Personality: The problem with immortality is the fact that boredom happens quite often. Being an immortal then, Kaguya's main motivation has been decreasing the amount of her boredom. It's actually more than that though, since her secret fear is that everyone and everything around her would vanish and she'd be stuck in a world of pure nothingness...a boring world, obviously, but also a desperately lonely one. As such, she tries to relieve her boredom in various ways, so she can at least forget what might be her ultimate fate.

Kaguya seems to be initially an airheaded princess. She mostly stays in her mansion, the House of Eternity, and so generally has little contact with the rest of her world, unless they visit, of course. When people do visit, she happily shows off any sort of treasure she's found over her long existence, often causing a danmaku fight. She refers to all the rabbits as 'Inaba', and not by their real names, and expects them to serve her every whim. She generally lets Eirin handle the important matters, while staying at home.

This dosen't mean Kaguya is incompetent, actually. She's lived for 1300 years; she's not an idiot or a fool. However, she acts the way she does because she thinks it's amusing. Really, she knows all the names of the rabbits, even the non-humanoid ones, and only acts like she doesn't for that reason. When things get serious, Kaguya will get serious herself, showing herself as a confident woman unafraid of any sort of reprisal or harm done to her. After all, how can you threaten the life of an immortal?

Kaguya deeply cares for her rabbit servants, and will happily pet them if given a chance. Eirin is for all intents and purposes her surrogate mother, and in that regard she loves her deeply. Mokou is a bit unusual. Although they've killed each other numerous times, Kaguya bears no ill will. On the contrary, she enjoys the matches they have as it, again, relieves her boredom tremendously. Still, she has been sending assassins rather than going after Mokou herself, so perhaps she may be a bit bored of that too...

Abilities: Kaguya has the vaguely defined ability 'Manipulation of Eternity' which seems to be able to preserve something in its current state indefinitely; for example, preventing tea cups affected by this ability won't break when dropped. Apparently there is an element of time stopping going on with this ability; the item in a sense becomes frozen in time. Kaguya has a bunch of items that she uses for her danmaku; the most prominent being her Five Impossible Requests, but also other magical things she's found in her lifespan. Finally, she's immortal; if killed she just revives/regenerates a few seconds-to-minutes later, although she still feels the pain caused by it.
Sample Entry: Eh....? Inaba? Eirin? Anyone? Hello! Where is this place? Maybe someone's playing a game? If you are playing a game, it's certainly not nice to take people places without telling them about it.

Still, it's certainly something different after all. You have my thanks, invisible game player! Now can you tell me where everything else went too?

Additional samples are at: Dear_Mun and Gensokyo_dr

I request that she be placed in 1252 Williams Road. Permissions have already been collected and will be posted.

app, ooc

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