Boybands and my not-so-secret love for them

Aug 30, 2008 01:12

Lolz. This is a true story. So. Once upon a time I was happy with my J-rock rockin' out and stuff. Then. I accidentally stumbled upon some pretty asian boys. Not just any asian boys. I stumbled upon Dong Bang Shin Ki. Yes. I saw the pretty and I went for it. Now. My friends are haters and probably would have mocked me at that point. So I kept it a secret. My love for Dong Bang and Junsu kept me happy. But then. I discovered yet another boyband. This one, however, seemed different. They were called BIG BANG. Yes. Big Bang. Now. This had to be yet another secret because the fact that they were a boyband was bad enough. It also turns out that they were GANGSTA AZNS. My friends would have mocked me even more. So. Now. I've recently discovered a boyband so amazing so wonderful so unbelievaby slutty that I must proclaim my love to the world for them. They are.....
Hell yes. I have gone to the dark side that is JE and I'm never going back.
And my friends now understand my obssession and don't mock me. Usually.

fandom: my love for it, i'm procrastinating

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