May 20, 2006 02:06
Wow its 2am? ok well I'll have to make this quick.......long blog short time GO!
-Saw stupid movie called "The Hills Have Eyes" don't bother, unless you want the highlight of your night to be when a girl slams a pick ax into some guys head. (that I must admit was cool) There is supposed to be a sequel....don't see that either
-Listening to "Scotland the Brave" (you know bagpipes and such) and drinking beer :::sigh::: its good to be here in this moment
-Got out of the house to work at my Aunts. Woot! It was actually fun. Free gas who could bat an eye.
-Met Alissa in the shop for more fire wood. Yeah bonfires!
-Talked to Steve about life and what he wants to do, we're gonna be ok I think
-Ami James your next on the list if this whole Steve thing doesn't work out hahaha (sorry Deeven :)
-Gig tomorrow. Some spoiled girls Sweet 16 in Greenwood (eyes roll) yea! oh the life of a dj
-Amanda remembered that I like tugboats and is gonna post some pics
-I should probably go to bed now
-Not really tired though
-ok this long
-well sort of
-the dashes make it seem longer than it really is
- I mean with a space between each sentence that really spreads it out
-If I'd just go back and delete the spaces between then it wouldn't look so long and be more appetizing to read
-I think I'm just gonna leave it.
-I mean really with all the dashes it makes it look short but spaced out
-I don't know
-Does anyone really read these anyway?
-But if you've read this long then you are seriously bored with this joke I am trying to make
-Wow are you really falling for it?
-I can't believe you are hanging on my every word
-I'm not gonna say anything good so just stop reading
-Honestly you have no life just stop now
-Ok I'm sorry, you have a life and I just wasted a good five minutes of it
-thanks for putting up with my shit ha ha ha you are a true friend
-Really stop reading though
-Are you done?
-I think I am.....yeah ok
-and scene....