I realized after starting my own old-school journal made of paper and privacy for the truth and nothing but the truth, that I like it a lot better. Really the only person who needs to remember my day-to-day life.... is me.
Those people who are REALLY in my life, do things like call and email me. They SEE me. Unless they're overseas, but they can still get in touch and chat with me. If they want to know how I'm doing, or what's new in my life, they ask. And vice versa.
There's too much room for misinterpretation and having to censor on Livejournal. I'm not *really* allowed to bitch when I want to bitch, gush when I want to gush or just plain old say whatever the fuck I want. PERIOD. Mostly people read this after hanging out with me so they can read the nice things I have to say about them. See pictures. read about themselves and my outward feelings for them. Which is nice and I have a lot I'd like to share. But I can share in person.
And who reads this anyway?
I realize that as interested in other people as I am, if they aren't people I can email or call comfortably, to get the scoop on what's new, then I shouldn't be having to READ about them to know what's up. That's not a friend. That's an admirer from afar or a voyeur. I've got no interest in being either. I'm either someone's friend, an aquiantence even, or I'm as good as a stranger. I'm cool with that. But if I'm as good as a stranger I can't assume people are interested in what I have to say.
Anyway, all this to say, Facebook is bad enough for being a mode of sharing too much with strangers, friends and lovers. Maybe someday I'll wean myself off of that altogether as well. But for now the start is Livejournal. It'll be tough because I'm nosey in my own way and like to know how others are. But I really do prefer personal communication. Not second-hand stuff written for the mases.
So then, farewell Livejournal! I'll let this one run out after a month, or maybe I'll just cut it off altogether after this post. There's nothing I can look back on and can't stand not to keep. So that's a reason enough for me to realize it's another online waste of my time and effort.
the_rumble_doll@hotmail.com is where I can be found for communication. If you've lost my number or never had it, I can email it. Most, if not all of you have it though.
I guess I'm just trying to sort out and narrow down my priorities in life. I'm feeling like I'd like to be more choosey with what I spend my efforts on. I think it would benefit me to lose this habit altogether. Even if it's just for awhile.
Much love to you all and no offense what-so-ever to you avid journal-writters! It's been a trip... to nowhere! LOL