(no subject)

Sep 30, 2009 01:37

The TransTech timekeeping system is base-ten, meaning that the terms for the passage of any amount of time can be extrapolated from the base unit (in this case, the 32 hour solar cycle). Some of the most commonly referenced units, their equivalents in Earth time, and what they're analogous to in terms of human time-keeping are listed here.

Milli-cycle: Just over two minutes. This term is probably used primarily by TransTechs, or in official communications. In the Offworlder Zones, it's more common to hear people using terms like seconds and minutes, or their own local version thereof, since they're easier to remember and mean about the same thing as milli-cycles and the smaller micro-cycles.

Centi-cycle: Equal to about twenty minutes.

Deci-cycle: The functional hour of Axiom Nexus; 3.2 hours. Sometimes referred to just as a cycle, though this term is also applied to solar cycles.

Solar cycle: A day-night cycle; the amount of time it takes for this Cybertron to revolve once on its axis. Equal to approximately 32 hours. Sometimes referred to simply as cycle, though 'cycle' is sometimes used to refer to deci-cycles as well.

Deca-cycle: Ten solar cycles; the functional week of Axiom Nexus. Equal to 320 hours, or just over 13 days.

Stellar cycle: A year on this Cybertron; the amount of time it takes for the planet to orbit its star. Equal to approximately 4.7 Earth years, or between 1286 and 1287 Cybertronian days.
Note: Some TransTechs may use kilo-cycle (1000 Cybertronian days) instead of or interchangeably with stellar cycle, particularly if they're talking about the passage of time in the absence of dates. Stellar cycle is the official division of years, however, and used exclusively to specify dates, rather than just the relative passage of time.
Mega-cycle: 1,000,000 solar cycles, or approximately 3653 Earth years. Often used in the same hyperbolic sense as humans might use eon or epoch--that is, to denote a long, long time rather than any specific measure.

Feel free to have your characters, particularly if they're new to the Nexus, keep using the units of time they're accustomed to...that is, if their canon comes with a set. (This is a particularly handy resource, especially for IDW, Animated, and Beast Wars characters.) When interacting with TransTechs, however, particularly in any capacity that involves dates or times, expect it to be couched in their terms. Inhabitants of the Offworlder Zones who've been trapped for a long time have probably picked it up as well, so these are the terms to expect from anyone who knows the ropes.
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