Nov 23, 2009 15:51
So. I have an urge to talk about my day.
Well, not really, but as I can't take the nap I wanted because there's a school maintenance man sitting inside my door, I may as well take an opportunity to vent.
I had a big, grade-defining paper coming up. I knew about it for months. And in keeping with my horrid tendency to procrastinate, I don't start working on it until two days prior. I set a rather weak goal for myself-- the paper needs to be at least ten pages long, so I'll write five on Saturday and five on Sunday. Solid plan.
I write three on Saturday. Okay, still no big deal.
It's elevon o' clock, Sunday night, and I'm on page seven, realizing this is going to turn out to be at least eleven pages, but more likely twelve. Fuck. Well, okay, I've pulled all-nighters before. I buy myself a cup of coffee and work my damndest not to get distracted.
Seven-thirty AM, I finally finish the damn thing. I was right-- twelve pages.
I know sleep is out of the question until 3 o'clock, as I have a solid block of classes, but that's okay, I tell myself. I go and get breakfast, a little twitchy from not having slept, but overall feeling fine I remember I agreed to bring someone project materials from my room so they can set up for a booth in the main student building. I return to the reject motel building I call home.
...Only to find my door won't open. It's 8 AM, I'm cold and tired and in no mood for shenanigans, it's looking like it's going to rain, and the little red light on the card reader just keeps flashing back at me. Okay. Okay. I'll go to the RA's office, that's what they're there for. Only because I'm in the rat-trap motel, we don't have 24 hour security personnel like the other buildings, and the RA room doesn't open until 9. So I have to call the RA on duty, (who is actually not even from our building). She comes over, unlocks the RA room so I can actually wait inside somewhere warm while this is settled, and she puts in a call.
She tells me maintenance is going to call her back with an estimate of when they can get to my door. I say cool, I'm fine with chilling. I just want to know if I'll need to find somewhere else to wait for a while until this all gets sorted out.
...The girl doesn't even wait four minutes before she's collecting her stuff and saying I should go wait outside my door and that she's sure maintenance will be there soon. Obviously waiting for a return call would cut into her not-doing-her-job time or something. So now I'm pissed, and hurt, because I just let her leave without protest like a pussy (which means, btw, that I was locked out of the nice warm room again), and I go sit on the motel steps like some vagrant. Being sleep-deprived means my emotional barriers are just non-existent, so I get pissed about the fact that I'm crying as well, and the whole situation is just Not Good.
It of course starts to rain. Because hell, why not?
An hour passes, and at this point the actual building personnel come and unlock the RA room, so I get to tell my RA what happened and return to waiting in the warm room. I receive sympathy and a warm snickerdoodle. I feel somewhat better. I collect myself again, and watch Jon Stewart on the shared TV until maintenance comes... three hours later.
"I'm sure they'll be here soon." Aha. Ha.
The guy gets my door open, but says it's going to take a while. I don't care at this point, as I still have to get these project materials to this girl and then go to class. Said project materials get rained on, but they get there in one piece.
The classes go okay. I self-medicate with a smoothie and a small bag of Chex Mix, and by my third class I'm actually feeling back in spirits again, even despite the fact that I haven't been able to shower or change clothes and I feel like a hobo. I conk out during my fourth class, and man oh man am I looking forward to coming back and napping in my room for three hours. It's all I'll be able to get, as I have to wake up for a talk/discussion the Unitarian Universalist group I'm a part of is hosting, but still. Sleep.
Cue me staring at the man sitting inside my room, still working on my door, who explains that he's been working on it for four hours (looks like I wasn't the only one with a sucky day). Cue me inwardly weeping about lost pillow time and wondering how many bugs have been let in the room. orz
...Oh thank god, he's collecting his stuff. I think he's actually finished. I'm so going to pass out for three hours. DX
I swear I'm not usually this whiny in my posts, but... ugh. I could have skipped today.